Shaping the future
Learn how OVIN is bridging Ontario’s automotive, manufacturing, technology, and mining sectors to shape and drive the future of its automotive and mobility sector, globally.

Leading Ontario’s automotive and mobility transformation
The automotive industry is undergoing a significant shift, with technological advances and evolving mobility preferences redefining its future. Through the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN), Ontario is at the forefront of this transformation. OVIN capitalizes on the economic potential of advanced automotive technologies and smart mobility solutions such as connected and autonomous vehicles (C/AVs), and electric and low-carbon vehicle technologies, while enabling the province’s transportation and infrastructure networks to plan for and adapt to this evolution.
OVIN is accelerating the development and commercialization of next generation electric, connected and autonomous vehicle and mobility technologies and supporting Ontario’s role as the manufacturing hub of Canada, while leveraging critical minerals development in Ontario’s North.
OVIN has five main objectives:
Foster the commercialization of Ontario-made advanced automotive technologies and smart mobility solutions
Showcase the Province of Ontario as the leader in the development, testing, piloting and adoption of the latest transportation and infrastructure technologies
Drive innovation and collaboration among stakeholders at the convergence of automotive and technology
Leverage and retain Ontario’s highly skilled talent, and prepare Ontario’s workforce for jobs of the future in the automotive and mobility sectors
Harness the Province of Ontario’s regional strengths and capabilities, and bridge its automotive and technology clusters to promote the development of electric vehicle and power train technologies in Ontario

Driving prosperity and competitiveness
OVIN is a key component of Phase Two of Driving Prosperity, the Government of Ontario’s ambitious plan that positions Ontario as a North American leader in developing and building the car of the future through emerging technologies and advanced manufacturing processes. The Government of Ontario has committed an additional $56.4 million, for a total investment of over $141 million to date, through OVIN’s innovative programming to support research and development (R&D) funding, talent development, technology acceleration, business and technical supports, and testing and demonstration.
OVIN’s programs support small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop, test, validate and commercialize new automotive and mobility products and technologies, and cultivate the capacity of a province-wide network to drive future mobility solutions, reinforcing Ontario’s position as a global leader.
Unlocking the power of province-wide collaboration
The OVIN Central Hub is the driving force behind the programming, province-wide coordination of activities and resources, and Ontario’s push to lead in the future of the automotive and smart mobility sector globally. Led by a dedicated team, the Central Hub is the focal point for all stakeholders across the province, a bridge for collaborative partnerships between industry, post-secondary institutions, broader public sector agencies, municipalities and the government, all while serving as a concierge for new entrants into Ontario’s thriving ecosystem.
The Central Hub drives public education, research, analysis, and thought leadership activities, convenes stakeholder groups, and raises awareness around the potential of these technologies, the opportunities for Ontario and for its partners.
The Central Hub also leads skills, talent, and workforce initiatives, with a focus on supporting the sector to develop a highly skilled, adaptable, and diverse workforce prepared to meet the needs of the future.
OVIN, led by Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI), is supported by the Government of Ontario’s Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT) and Ministry of Transportation (MTO), and the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD).