Category: Reports

Concept of cities of the future

  • Cybersecurity for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

    Cybersecurity for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

    Focusing on cybersecurity for connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs), the report identifies key areas for consideration and avenues for growth and development.

  • Opportunities for Connected Vehicles Beyond Transportation

    Opportunities for Connected Vehicles Beyond Transportation

    This report delineates the various applications and service domains in which CVs can be utilized beyond solely using them for safe transportation.

  • Ontario CAV Ecosystem Analysis

    Ontario CAV Ecosystem Analysis

    This report describes key industry trends in Ontario and globally, and shows how Ontario can continue to enhance its strength in the CAV sector.

  • Data in the Context of CAVs – Challenges and Recommendations

    Data in the Context of CAVs – Challenges and Recommendations

    This report discusses the critical concerns of data privacy, cybersecurity and data ownership in CAVs highlighting best practices and efforts being made to address these concerns.

  • Data in the Context of CAVs – Types and Operational Opportunities

    Data in the Context of CAVs – Types and Operational Opportunities

    This report discusses the various internal and external sources feeding data into CAVs in addition to different categories of data that can be gathered from CAVs.

  • Features of the Infrastructure Facilitating the Operation of CAVs

    Features of the Infrastructure Facilitating the Operation of CAVs

    This report describes the road infrastructure, both physical and digital, needed for accommodating CAVs and facilitating their operation.

  • Driving Ontario Forward – The Car of the Future

    Driving Ontario Forward – The Car of the Future

    There are several factors that distinguish Ontario as a leader in the development of connected and autonomous vehicle technology and as a hub for deploying and testing these technologies. OCE engaged KPMG LLP (“KPMG”) to provide an overview of the C/AV industry in Ontario, the results of which are contained within this report.

  • Regional Technology Development Sites : Technology Focus Areas

    Regional Technology Development Sites : Technology Focus Areas

    This specialized report provides an overview of the main connected and autonomous vehicle (C/AV) technology areas that Regional Technology Development Sites (RTDS) support.

  • Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Ontario: Technology Highlights

    Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Ontario: Technology Highlights

    This report provides an overview of the autonomous vehicle (AV) technologies that Ontario companies and researchers are working on, and highlights some of their main activities and contributions.