QEW Innovation Corridor
Supported by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, and led by OVIN, the QEW Innovation Corridor Program provides small and medium sized enterprises up to $150,000 to pilot innovative and advanced mobility technologies, with a focus on smart mobility and connected vehicles, on a 40km section of the QEW between Burlington and Toronto.

For more on this program’s current status, please visit the Programs Overview.
Program overview
The Program will establish a testbed and living lab for innovative technologies and solutions with the vision of creating a freeway-based smart mobility test corridor that facilitates collaborative innovation and strategic partnerships, to support the safe evaluation of advanced technologies that improve mobility, strengthen sustainability, and drive economic development that is focused on, but not limited to, the following objectives:
- Support economic development and growth of smart mobility industries, through supporting real world technology testing and providing employment opportunities in Ontario.
- Position Ontario as a healthy, prosperous, and connected province that continues to lead in national and global innovation rankings.
- Identify and evaluate technologies that improve transportation safety, sustainability, efficiency, and accessibility, while integrating innovation into mobility and goods movement.
- Provide opportunities to challenge traditional methods of data collection and analysis to best support user-centric and evidence-based decision making.
- Strategically coordinate public and private sector innovation and post-secondary research through thought-leadership, convening, establishing best-practices, idea-sharing, and data hubs.
The QEW Innovation Corridor Program offers two unique funding streams to support diverse projects and initiatives:
Challenge Based Stream:
Applications to the QEW Innovation Corridor Challenge-based streams will be accepted in one intake round. Two priority areas have been identified for targeted, thematic calls for proposals.
- Work Zone Safety: Technologies to better manage and improve safety in work zones, including elements of real-time tracking of lane closures, detecting activities in work zone areas, and providing enhanced information to motorists and potentially workers in the zone.
- Queue Warning: Technologies to provide advanced warning of traffic buildups, including queue detection technologies, predictive algorithms, edge computing, and motorist advisories.
Open Call Stream:
We also invite applications to our Open Call, which provides funding opportunities without thematic restrictions and a focus on smart mobility and connected vehicles. We encourage creative and impactful proposals from diverse sectors and fields.
Benefits to Applicants and Partners:
- Piloting and deployment of Ontario-made technologies and solutions in real-world environments.
- Develop marketable solutions for new mobility, work safety, queue end warning technologies, and a focus on smart mobility and connected vehicles applications.
- Access strategic partnership opportunities for collaborative piloting activities.
- Support for commercializing emerging mobility technologies.
Benefits to society:
- Support economic development and provide more employment opportunities in Ontario
- Position Ontario as a healthy, prosperous, and connected province that continues to lead in national and global innovation rankings
- Improve transportation safety, sustainability, efficiency, and accessibility, while integrating innovation into mobility and goods movement
- Challenge traditional methods of data collection and analysis to best support user-centric and evidence-based decision making.
How co-investment works
OVIN Contribution
Reimbursement of one-half (maximum) of total project eligible costs, up to $150,000, triggered by submission and approval of required reporting.
Matching Requirement
One-half (minimum) of total eligible project costs (i.e., minimum 1:1 match to OVIN contribution)
- Contribution match may come from Applicant and/or Partners (if applicable).
- Contribution match MUST be in the form of private sector contributions and be unencumbered from other government grant sources.
Total eligible project costs: $300,000
- Maximum OVIN contribution: $150,000
- Minimum Private Sector contribution: $150,000
Funding Recipient
OVIN funds flow only to the Applicant. The Applicant is responsible for reimbursing Partners, if applicable.
- A small- and medium- sized enterprise (SME) with fewer than 500 global full-time employees.
- Applicants that have active projects funded by other OVIN programs will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
- Applicants for concurrent funding will need to demonstrate a strong rationale for and distinction between projects running in parallel, as well as their capacity to deliver both initiatives
- Must have registered operations (R&D, manufacturing, product management, etc.) in Ontario.
- Applicants who have received over $500,000 of funding from OCI administered programs in their lifetime (excluding the OVIN Talent Development program) are required to obtain OCI approval before a new application for funding is initiated. Your Business Development Manager (BDM) can guide you through the process.
- Project activities are carried out in Ontario.
- Project testing must be conducted on a specific 40-km section of the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) between Burlington and Toronto.
- Minimum 1:1 contribution match by Applicants and/or private sector Partners.
- Projects can be up to 12 months in duration.
- This program is not intended for research to prove feasibility or basic technology research. Projects should be at Technology Readiness Level 7-9.
- Typical project activities include technology/product/service, validation, testing, piloting, demonstration, commercialization, and deployment of technologies, products and services focused on innovative and advanced mobility technologies with a focus on smart mobility and connected vehicle applications.
- Intellectual Property (IP) arising from a project will be managed by project Applicant as OCI does not claim or manage IP rights.
- Applicant should demonstrate scalable outcomes with high potential for commercialization, strong commercial pull, competitive advantage, and alignment with intended program benefits.
- Technology to be piloted cannot collect any personal, identifying information.
- Applicants must adhere to FIPAA (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act) throughout the duration of their project.
- Funded Applicants are responsible for removing equipment after their pilot is completed.
Technologies and solutions that can be piloted at the site include, but are not limited to:
- Smart work zones and work zone safety
- Congestion management
- Incidence response management
- Predictive traffic management
- Road hazard warning
- In-vehicle traveler information
- Coordination and dissemination of real time traveler information
- Data analytics
- Cyber security
- Geofencing
Technical Requirements
Projects must adhere to the technical requirements listed below. Support may be available from OVIN and MTO to ensure compliance.
- Maintain QEW Operations: The QEW operation, including the COMPASS operation, is critical to the movement of people and goods in Ontario. The QEW IC testing and piloting shall not negatively affect operations.
- Permitting: Participants shall follow the highway corridor management process for Permits and Approvals.
- Encroachment Permit documentation: Participants shall retain a qualified transportation consultant experienced in the preparation of a Traffic Impact Study (TIS). MTO requires that a TIS shall be undertaken by a firm approved under MTO’s consultant Registry, Appraisal and Qualification System (RAQS) under the Traffic Impact Analysis Specialty category. The TIS shall be signed and stamped by a Professional Engineer registered in the Province of Ontario, who shall take responsibility for the TIS contents, as required.
- Pre-consultation meeting: Participants shall engage in a pre-consultation meeting with MTO to prepare a document package that meets the requirements of the corridor management process.
- Design: Participants are required to utilize a RAQS qualified designer for any design drawings who must be registered on the government RAQS registry under the Advanced Traffic Management Systems category of “ATMS Product, Process and Strategic Development”, and “Electronic Subsystem Design Construction Contract Administration and Specialized Inspection Services.”
- Installation: Participants shall utilize an RAQS-qualified contractor for installation work and follow the RSS process to access the highway.
- Maintenance impact: Participants shall contact MTO maintenance teams to notify them of any new installations that may impact maintenance activities.
- Operational impact (traffic): Participants shall deliver a pilot design, installation, testing and removal that do not adversely impact the operation of the affected section of the IC; this includes any negative impact on traffic flow (e.g. congestion) or on-road operations.
- Safety impact: Participants shall demonstrate that the pilot will not adversely impact motorists’ safety.
How to apply
Both the Challenge based streams and the Open call stream require a full application, which can be developed and submitted using OCI’s AccessOCI web portal. Applicants should carefully review the details below to determine which stream aligns best with their project’s goals. For more detailed information on each funding opportunity, please visit ovinhub.ca.
- To begin the Full Application submission process for the Open Call or Challenge-Based streams, please complete a client intake form (Resource Documents – OVIN – Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (ovinhub.ca)) or reach out to the Business Development Manager (BDM) if already connected with one.
Please note: Completion of this form does not constitute an application for funding.
An OCI BDM will contact you to discuss the opportunity and assist you with developing your proposal. - Applicants submit their Full Application for internal and external review.
- Your BDM must endorse your application for eligibility and suitability prior to submission.
- External reviewers score your application. Applications which meet a minimum scoring threshold are recommended for funding to the QEW IC Steering Committee.
- QEW IC Steering Committee, comprised of senior MTO and OCI staff, grants the final decision.
- Successful Applicants will be notified by OCI and provided an outline of conditions and additional information necessary to activate the project (including a detailed design with the RAQS certified engineering stamp and the installation schedule and plan following the ministry standards within the defined timeline.)
- Applicants who are not selected will be notified by OCI. Feedback on the decision can be provided by their BDM.
Intake Form
Submit this intake form and see if this program is the right fit for your business!